【书写笔顺】 | 横竖横折竖 |
【输入法】 | 五笔86版:RNHH 仓颉:QVL 郑码:DZI 四角码:52000 笔划:12152 |
【Unicode】 | CJK 统一汉字扩充-A Unicode十六进制:U+39C3 十进制:14787 |
【所在字表】 |
◎ 粤语:sau1
(ancient form of 收) to receive what is due; to gather together, to harvest, to collect; to put away, to close, to bind, to restrain, to bring to the end, (same as 摎) entwined -- as branches of a tree; to tangle; to involve, to collaborate; to band together