【书写笔顺】 | 撇折横横横竖竖横撇捺 |
【输入法】 | 五笔86版:EAWY 五笔98版:EAWY 仓颉:BTC 郑码:QEO 四角码:74281 笔划:3511122134 |
【Unicode】 | CJK 统一汉字扩充-A Unicode十六进制:U+3B34 十进制:15156 |
【所在字表】 |
◎ 粤语:fung2
the moon is dimmed; darkness, the word used especially by Triad Society ( a secret society during the Ching Dynasty dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchus and the restoration the Manchus and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty, the character means the same as 月