【书写笔顺】 | 撇捺捺折横横折捺横横竖横竖折竖竖横 |
【输入法】 | 五笔86版:WYVL 五笔98版:WVGL 仓颉:OIQMT 郑码:OXCL 四角码:85712 笔划:34451154112125221 |
【Unicode】 | CJK 统一汉字扩充-A Unicode十六进制:U+4B4D 十进制:19277 |
【所在字表】 |
◎ 粤语:fu4 wu4
(non-classical form of 餬) to live with another at his expense; to live by eating at another's table; to be parasite, congee; porridge; gruel, paste, to erase; to obliterate, to scribble, to use a fake in place of a genuine article; to deceive and swindle, to whitewash; to make up; to touch up