【书写笔顺】 | 竖折横竖横捺撇捺横折撇捺 |
【输入法】 | 五笔86版:JIQN 五笔98版:JQIY 仓颉:LILMO 郑码:IVRD 四角码:52113 笔划:251214341534 |
【Unicode】 | CJK 统一汉字扩充-A Unicode十六进制:U+45B4 十进制:17844 |
【所在字表】 |
◎ 粤语:ziu4
a kind of insect, (non-classical form of 珧) scallops, found in abundance in the China Sea; the shells contain mother-of-pearl, and the compressor muscle or ligament is dried and imported into China as Compoy ( 干貝); also called ( 江瑤柱) it is highly esteemed as an article of food, both in China and Japan